KIU Students Urged to Embrace Farming


A group picture after the launch  

Phillip Luswata Actor and Alex Busingye PRO, KIU Of the TV drama series at the launch

By Stella Karakire

At the launch of the new drama series on Urban TV dubbed “Kabulonda Mpeke,” the students of Kampala International University (KIU) were urged to embrace farming as a way of life after University. The show is a product of the collaboration between, aBiTrust, Mediae, and the Vision Group.

It’s timing is spot on. Recent reports depict that the farming population in Uganda is aging. This news, coupled with the skyrocketing rate of youth unemployment, make a conclusive case that the youth should engage in farming. Unfortunately, farming continues to evade the pop-culture driven youth of today. Many of them believe that farming is just not cool, or, as the cool kids say today, “it’s not fresh,” pun intended.

However, the knowledge about youth influences is not lost on the project funders, aBiTrust, who invested US $ 1,000,000 in creating the TV show. The Chief Operations Officer aBiTrust, Mr. Francis Chesang said that aBiTrust believes that they have a strong role to play in transforming agriculture through changing attitudes.  

“That’s why we came up with series; it’s slow, but it sends the message,” he added. 

Susan Kavuma, the Senior Content Manager at Urban TV, in an interview with the KIU Giraffe Times told KIU students that they could make a fortune by farming. 

“Farming is no longer that job that you look down upon. Just because you are a farmer doesn’t mean you are not educated. It actually means you are very well educated and learned. Farming is a great option for supplementing your income; everyone should embrace it,” she said. “Over the past years, most of the best farmers that have been profiled in the newspapers and on television are young as young as 25 to 26 years. They are making millions of money engaging in things like piggery, poultry farming, fish farming, agricultural produce, among other things.”

Phillip Luswata, a legendary Actor who features on the show, advised our readers that “the good thing with agriculture is you can always have it as a fall back plan. Even as a farmer, you can still practice your profession. For instance, as an engineer, you can use your background to mechanize your processes. If you’re a lawyer, you can litigate your way into farming success.” 

To add, Mr. Chesang reminded our readers that, “you can make money through farming and have a white-collar job.”

“Make farming your way of life,” he concluded. 

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